The bikes are fundamental in several ways within the Olympics. There are three areas in which their work is essential. 1 Safety and emergency assistance. 2 Organization, 3 Media. All these sectors take advantage of the ease of movement and versatility of the mototrbikes.
In British security police used mainly, but not exclusively, BMW R.1200 RT for traffic, escort personalities, and surveillance. Motorcycles and equipped specifically for their showy yellow as demonstrated in London can be moved continuously caravans state presidents and prominent figures hardly hinder traffic within the urban complex of the UK capital. Normally a group of four motorcycles perfectly coordinated handles the escort and traffic courts. Surprising to see how easily exceed retaining complex crosses very few minutes, sometimes only seconds traffic.
Emergency medical assistance in the Olympics by bike turned the permanent service of motorcycles operating in the capital. Honda Paneuropean equipped with all facilities for emergency medical assistance operating daily in London. His mission to save lives and more frequent cases, people with alcohol poisoning, car accidents and heart attacks on public roads. The minute they earn in times of urgency regarding any ambulance has served to save many lives since its founding. A service that will eventually be integrated into all major European capitals.
The organization of the Games in London conto sponsored by BMW which provided for the occasion a fleet of BMW R-1200 RT and GS F-650. mission transporting judges and referees in cycling competitions, marathons and triathlons. Motorcycles were also used in previous months for monitoring of the Olympic flame.
All media during the Olympics have after registering at the event access to information and pictures of the competitions generated solely by OBS (Olympic Broadcasting Services) the only operator licensed radio and TV to broadcast the Games. No media has the potential to establish vehicles for journalists or cameras within the Olympic Games, thereby preventing their proliferation and interference in competitions. For example in one cycling photographer, the Scottish expert Graham, was in charge of getting all the pictures of the race for the database that feed all the world’s countries.
The largest TV producer in the world. Olympic Broadcasting Services is the company responsible for servicing all television and radio producers accredited at the Olympic Games. It is during that last day competitions the world’s largest producer. With over a thousand cameras dozens of satellite dishes to link satellites and thousands of kilometers of cable TV signal serve all stations on the planet. A total of 7000 people selected from the most qualified professionals from five continents working for 24 hours during the Games so that everything comes to viewers and listeners around the globe. For 19 days, due to the different time zones of each country around the world, there are always staff working in the IBC. The central communications building IBC (International Broadcasting Center) a building of 52,000 square feet of space that centralizes all televisions which serves OBS signals and competition where teams of each producer autonomous personalize their emissions. In this building are the eyes and ears of the Games. In the center panel, the largest ever built center screens more than 500 continuously monitors display signals distributed cameras that capture at 34 Olympic venues and working with the 21,000 people accredited to tv that distribute information to an audience potential of 4.000 million viewers. 26 sports with 39 disciplines and 10 490 different athletes competed for the 302 medals at stake, all «came on TV.»
A live TV broadcast is performed in an area of hundreds of kilometers through the streets of a city is always complex, requiring a large number of people and very specific technical material. At the Olympic Games where the game starts over as both countries with their athletes as in technology, were used for broadcasting out door as cycling and marathon thyratron: Four bikes, two-car camera, four helicopters and two airplanes. To this must be added the meta cameras installed on cranes, poles, etc. steady cam. and in addition the triathlon mounted on boats, bicycles and subjective wire cam or sky cam a camera hunging with cables and remote control led almost a kilometer long which flew over the Serpentine lake in Hyde Park. The amount of resources used is really spectacular pun «Olympic».
The team bikes OBS where I made this time was made by a multinational team, Belgian, Dutch, English, Swiss and Spanish course. Among all there were more than 100 hours of live sport. Every one in the male and female versions, but the march of 50 miles reserved exclusively for men, the more resilient and better orb walkers.
The Spanish team was composed biker Gustavo Cuervo, the most experienced of all four Olympic Games over thousands of hours of TV broadcast of the most important events in all five continents. Miguel Angel Raven is serving her third Olympics and newcomers in this great event but also great skill in other retransmissions, Francisco Marín Doblas and Guillermo Perez. Adding up the miles on a bike of this equipment are given over 20 times round the world. Camera operators of motorcycles were Spanish Juan Carlos Navas, Antonio Urrea, Roberto Juarez and Alejandro. The triathlon was director of TVE Jaime Garrido another great expert with several Olympic Games in different sports. The scenario Hyde park.
Triathlon, high hardness determined in milliseconds. Of all the broadcasts in which I participated bikes definitely stay with the triathlon. His journey into Hyde Park (the largest and most charismatic of London) passing in front of Buckingham Palace has been one of the most beautiful I’ve covered in my life, My brother is staying with the Sydney, was played its wonderful bay, but the atmosphere around the Serpentine curves London and Westminster with thousands of Britons claiming the passage of athletes and hundreds of followers of many other countries around the world to stay forever in a golden memory. Who said you could not ride a bike for the real English garden? Well if you can do but you have to do it in the Olympics
Triathlon tests are always the most visually spectacular and beautiful of all mobile retransmissions made during the Games. It exploits the duality ground water to show the most beautiful parks in the cities and in London could not be other than the great Hyde Park and downtown Westminster with his royal palace. A beautiful and complicated journey in parts, cycling three corners pretty hard and pass under the arch of Wellington and the run with a typical closed forks as usual in marathons in which barely fit the BMW K- 1200 GT with its 500 kilos.
The first two triathletes after swimming 1.5 miles and make 40 in 10 km running bike reached the goal with only a few thousandths of a second apart. A time that officially does not count. Gold and silver were decided by a photo finish between the Swiss and Swedish Nicola Spiring Lisa Norden in what for many was just right because as in other disciplines should have been awarded two gold medals exceptionally. We both were taking the same time and the photo finish by the umpires decided the victory of Switzerland, located in the back, is not sufficiently explicit. The complaint filed by the Swedish federation was granted the gold medal «ex aequo» unsuccessful. Look at the picture and see who you give for winning is very difficult, for me the two are Golden Girls.
In men had the fortune of living a great day for the Spanish triathlon for second place, silver medal, for Javier Gomez Noya, which failed with English but Alistair Brownlee but with his brother Jonathan who came third position in a circuit full of British fans.
The marathon is the most representative competition of the Olympic Games. Although most watched reality testing varies widely with countries and with the participation of the respective compatriots in each sport, the marathon is for everyone, certainly the one that best represents the Olympic effort. The legend says that this competition had its origin in the race that the soldier Philippides do from the plain of Marathon to Athens to report the victory over the Persian army and upon completion of the mission fell exhausted dying. The original distance of 40 km included in the Athens Games in 1896 was changed to the current 42 km 195 meters at the Games in London in 1908. This is the distance from the city of Windsor’s Queen’s presidential box at White City in London. So if Greece will have the honor of inventing the Games and to name the marathon, the Queen of England to establish the distance that was set by the IAAF (International Amateur Athletics Federation) in 1921.
To cover the last event of the Olympics, the marathon which is held on the closing day are four motorcycles and two car camera, in addition to all the aforementioned. Marathoners speed motor allows a large distance use with cameras stabilized. In the games using two camera car that while its exterior is striking with two robotic cameras one on the roof and one in the back, inside is where all teams are tightened and technicians, four people (driver , technical links, filmmaker and camera operator who has the difficult task of handling two cameras simultaneously by remote control joystick)
While the motorcycle side cover and detailed plans of competitors, the camera behind the car slow motion characteristics (ie high speed) allows highly detailed images quite a distance thanks to its stabilization and that can be passed to camera very slow without losing quality. Obviously all these devices consume a lot of electrical energy which is necessary a large number of batteries (in this case only 400 kg of batteries) and to stop recharging whenever it is parked the car generator many computers can not feed more recently the car itself due to the engagement and green are used Olympic hybrid cars that although equal externally to the internal combustion solely inside harbor more components and therefore heavier. Eventually the Volkswagen Touareg hybrid 2012 London Games weigh close to 3000 kilos in driving operational order. ! Luckily n0 have to go very fast